31.   Telebras is the biggest stock traded on the Sao Paulo exchange and frequently sets the trend for the overall market.

32.   That scene exemplifies the high-profile Jackie -- the often reluctant piece of public property who set fashion trends and charmed national leaders.

33.   The bank rate, now at five percent, sets the trend for home and other consumer loans.

34.   The bank rate, which sets the trend for home and other consumer loans is now at its lowest since December.

35.   The bank rate, which sets the trend for home and other consumer loans, has risen three times in as many weeks.

36.   The bank rate, which sets the trend for home and other consumer loans, is now near its lowest in almost two years.

37.   The definition of antiques is changing daily, and, as usual, Los Angeles sets the trends.

38.   The old saw about America setting social trends that are soon echoed abroad has also become true of politics.

39.   The rate sets the trend for consumer and corporate loans and determines the attractiveness of the Canadian dollar.

v. + trend >>共 466
buck 10.95%
reverse 9.28%
follow 5.08%
continue 4.17%
reflect 3.90%
see 2.78%
set 2.20%
start 1.97%
confirm 1.49%
track 1.36%
set + n. >>共 584
fire 9.21%
stage 7.58%
standard 5.11%
tone 4.74%
date 4.72%
record 4.61%
foot 2.61%
precedent 2.36%
sight 2.31%
limit 2.24%
trend 0.39%
每页显示:    共 65