31.   Some schools banned peanut products in lunchrooms.

32.   Some other New Jersey schools already ban cell phone use during class.

33.   The day after the arraignment, the school banned the accused from attending regular classes.

34.   Until recently, the school also banned interracial dating.

35.   Until recently, the school had banned interracial dating.

36.   Yow said the school may ban the newspaper toss as a result.

n. + ban >>共 387
government 18.97%
law 9.04%
authority 8.07%
police 4.32%
bill 3.10%
state 2.52%
sanction 2.48%
court 2.29%
official 2.13%
treaty 1.90%
school 1.16%
school + v. >>共 1050
be 18.31%
have 8.45%
offer 1.83%
use 1.49%
say 1.46%
do 1.30%
begin 1.27%
remain 1.26%
close 1.26%
teach 1.21%
ban 0.37%
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