31.   Velez, nicknamed Keebler because he walked like the elves in the cookie commercial, had returned to the home in a drunken fog, workers said.

32.   Organizers said workers and soldiers were expected to have the slope prepared for competition by Saturday.

33.   Police official Daniel Siguy said rescue workers and police were shocked at the double accident.

34.   Police said rescue workers called to the apartment in southern Paris found the body of Malika, whose last name was not released, on Thursday.

35.   People emerged from their shelters Friday to attend Christmas religious services in the highland city of Kuito during a lull in rebel shelling, Roman Catholic church workers said.

36.   Armed thugs threatened Khatami supporters outside a Tehran campaign office, but fled without firing shots and caused no injuries, said campaign worker Mohammed Ali Shapourin.

37.   At least eight vehicles were stolen overnight, adding to the fear and insecurity hanging over the city, said aid workers, speaking on condition of anonymity.

38.   At least eight vehicles were stolen overnight, adding to the fear and insecurity hanging over the tense city, said aid workers, speaking on condition of anonymity.

39.   Authorities said four workers and two firefighters were treated after inhaling the gas Tuesday night.

40.   Buddy Merrill, a regional manager for Georgia Power Co. in Columbus, Georgia, said workers braced for more headaches Thursday.

v. + worker >>共 980
hire 4.61%
kill 3.75%
protect 2.79%
pay 2.61%
fire 2.26%
represent 2.13%
injure 1.89%
send 1.52%
keep 1.51%
say 1.36%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
source 2.45%
trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
thing 1.27%
worker 0.20%
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