31.   They believe that many such cells are sponsored by Osama bin Laden, the Saudi exile accused of running an international terror network.

32.   They quickly discovered that some of those people held in Jordan had been trained in camps operated in Afghanistan by the Saudi exile.

33.   Those camps are believed to be run by Osama bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi exile whom the United States blames for the bombings in August.

34.   U.S. officials believe bin Laden, a Saudi exile protected by Afghanistan, was behind terrorist attacks Tuesday in Washington and New York.

35.   U.S. intelligence sources believe a wealthy Saudi exile, Osama bin Laden, was behind the bombings in Africa and several other attacks against U.S. forces.

36.   U.S. officials have named Saudi exile Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda organization as the prime suspects in the attacks.

37.   U.S. officials said the tape implicates the Saudi exile, leaving no doubt that he played a key role in the attacks.

38.   Osama bin Laden, a Saudi exile believed to be living in Afghanistan, is wanted for the bombings, and there is concern he may strike again.

39.   A Pakistani delegation failed again Friday and said the Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, refused to discuss the Saudi exile.

40.   After the attacks at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Washington demanded the Taliban hand over bin Laden, a Saudi exile.

a. + exile >>共 266
cuban 28.80%
self-imposed 12.85%
saudi 6.20%
political 3.73%
tibetan 3.10%
internal 2.24%
iranian 2.18%
anti-castro 2.01%
iraqi 1.95%
cuban-american 1.20%
saudi + n. >>共 618
official 9.51%
authority 6.50%
government 5.09%
capital 3.07%
man 2.42%
family 2.40%
exile 2.02%
security 1.74%
millionaire 1.67%
proposal 1.65%
每页显示:    共 107