31.   But the deal failed to satisfy either side of the argument.

32.   But the idea satisfies neither side.

33.   Papandreou stressed that he was against military intervention, preferring political solutions that would satisfy both sides.

34.   The idea satisfies neither side.

35.   The official predicted that a compromise formula for the final declaration would be found which would satisfy both sides.

v. + side >>共 915
take 10.08%
switch 3.68%
see 2.43%
retire 2.38%
choose 1.96%
leave 1.63%
have 1.56%
bring 1.47%
change 1.36%
tell 1.36%
satisfy 0.63%
satisfy + n. >>共 412
demand 11.90%
need 4.76%
requirement 4.03%
concern 3.24%
customer 3.05%
critic 2.14%
side 2.14%
curiosity 1.89%
condition 1.65%
craving 1.65%
每页显示:    共 35