31.   Farmers have no such rights under the contracts that the companies have them sign.

32.   Giuliani has rights under the City Charter to establish any kind of mayoral advisory commission he wishes.

33.   Giving and spending in the electoral process also involve basic associational rights under the First Amendment.

34.   He also invoked his right under the police union contract to wait two working days before questioning by investigators.

35.   He has been granted a stay of execution under a recent amendment to the Nebraska constitution guaranteeing all Nebraska citizens equal rights under the law.

36.   He also proposed to buy the privately held oil, gas and other mineral rights under three nature preserves adjacent to Everglades National Park.

37.   He said the authority was studying its legal rights under the injunction to determine if it allowed the authority to deny them their jobs immediately after they return.

38.   Health plans say the court decisions show there is no need for changes in Erisa, because patients can vindicate their rights under existing law.

39.   Her lawsuit asserts that TRW violated her rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act by negligently releasing the personal information that enabled Andrea Andrews to obtain credit.

40.   How will he like living right under his mother?

n. + under >>共 1783
area 1.86%
year 0.87%
government 0.73%
city 0.72%
place 0.66%
right 0.63%
life 0.63%
country 0.60%
company 0.60%
election 0.59%
right + p. >>共 108
in 15.67%
for 15.09%
from 5.15%
after 5.05%
as 4.99%
at 4.15%
against 4.08%
by 3.13%
down 3.03%
with 3.02%
under 3.00%
每页显示:    共 185