31.   The Fed loosens the reins by reversing the processes above.

32.   The next night the process was reversed and the aircraft was hung in its new, temporary home.

33.   The process is reversed to receive a message.

34.   The process is reversed as the modem deciphers, or demodulates, information coming in from the phone line.

35.   Then we reversed the process.

36.   This little book is a pep talk, of sorts, a call to reverse the process and celebrate in a more meaningful way.

37.   To remove it, the device is unlocked with a key and the process is reversed.

38.   Today, multinationals plunged when it looked as if the process would be reversed.

39.   Whenever two particles collide and splinter into shards, and those shards into other shards, it is supposed to be possible to reverse the process.

40.   While a patient can be committed quickly, reversing the process can be far more difficult.

v. + process >>共 817
begin 6.72%
start 3.63%
repeat 3.61%
complete 3.24%
speed 2.26%
accelerate 2.21%
delay 2.04%
use 2.01%
slow 1.66%
streamline 1.36%
reverse 0.98%
reverse + n. >>共 575
decision 16.60%
course 10.67%
trend 6.72%
position 3.19%
role 3.14%
policy 2.31%
decline 2.13%
loss 2.08%
direction 1.96%
ruling 1.94%
process 1.30%
每页显示:    共 53