31.   The company will have to spend more on sales promotion while letting retailers sell the products at whatever price they want.

32.   The court ruling could give ammunition to other manufacturers trying to control how their retailers sell products.

33.   The company would not specify which retailers are currently selling the devices being studied.

34.   The figurines were sold by retailers throughout the country.

35.   The Indianapolis-based retailer sells athletic footwear, clothing and accessories.

36.   The government has loosened the rules that govern the sale of prescription drugs, making it easier for retailers to sell generic varieties.

37.   The Humane Society official believes retailers have unknowingly sold them.

38.   The prices quoted above include the monitor, though some retailers may sell it separately.

39.   The regulations allow retailers to sell cellular phones and contracts for service in a single package, a practice known as bundling.

40.   The retailer will soon sell American depositary receipts.

n. + sell >>共 1471
company 14.36%
investor 8.43%
government 3.29%
store 2.78%
bank 2.23%
trader 1.82%
shop 1.57%
vendor 1.30%
firm 1.28%
book 1.12%
retailer 0.64%
retailer + v. >>共 640
be 9.28%
say 9.26%
report 7.18%
have 5.05%
sell 1.56%
offer 1.37%
see 1.31%
use 1.28%
expect 1.23%
continue 1.12%
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