31.   He slept intermittently, amused by the thought that he might have found it easier to rest in a damp, muddy trench with rats and cockroaches for companions.

32.   Scepticism in these circumstances is a very tempting position in which to rest.

33.   Also resting in this cemetery are two other glamour queens who died of unnatural causes.

34.   An errant tee ball drifted right, went over the cliff, and came to rest in a shrub on the beach.

35.   And genuine stone facing to mask the steel I-beams on which the mobile homes rest in their settings.

36.   And nary an article on Japan appears without mention of the trillions of yen that now rest safely in Japanese savings accounts.

37.   And Nathaniel Hawthorne once again can rest in peace.

38.   And now this stuff of legend rests in glass cases in St. Petersburg.

39.   And the King of Hell and his temples will rest in peace.

40.   And may you rest in peace and joy eternally.

v. + in >>共 995
live 3.94%
say 2.38%
remain 2.16%
be 1.95%
kill 1.91%
work 1.82%
base 1.78%
use 1.69%
die 1.53%
stay 1.52%
rest 0.07%
rest + p. >>共 53
in 38.29%
for 21.43%
at 8.85%
after 5.34%
before 3.05%
during 2.52%
between 1.60%
under 1.60%
on_top_of 1.37%
atop 1.22%
每页显示:    共 499