31.   No officers were reported hurt.

32.   No one was reported hurt in the Maseno rioting, but students were seen stopping cars and demanding money from drivers after threatening to stone their vehicles.

33.   No one was reported hurt in the quake, but residents were cautioned that aftershocks were possible, the officials said.

34.   No one was reported hurt, but police called the bomb substantial and said it had badly damaged a room.

35.   Nobody on the liner, the Royal Viking Sun, was reported hurt.

36.   One person was reported slightly hurt by a falling object, and rail service on three local lines was reported disrupted but later restored.

37.   Police and soldiers were inside the base at the time of the attack, a Royal Ulster Constabulary spokeswoman said, but no one was reported hurt.

38.   Police Constable Maurice Lea said people ran into the streets in terror, but no one was reported hurt, the report said.

39.   Police said nobody was reported seriously hurt as rival groups traded salvos of gasoline bombs and firecrackers.

40.   Sixteen people were reported slightly hurt after the initial quake.

v. + hurt >>共 53
report 42.51%
be 5.39%
wind 5.39%
will 4.79%
do 3.59%
use 3.59%
say 2.40%
come 1.80%
retire 1.80%
can 1.20%
report + v. >>共 168
kill 32.84%
injure 19.69%
wound 8.54%
hurt 5.27%
steal 5.13%
destroy 1.04%
hospitalize 1.04%
arrest 0.89%
find 0.89%
shoot 0.89%
每页显示:    共 71