31.   State Department officials say they are thinking about reopening the embassy.

32.   The embassy would be reopened as soon as possible after the check was completed, the announcement said.

33.   The State Department said it would decide Monday whether to reopen the embassies.

34.   The U.S. has no immediate plans to reopen the embassy, now a compound of boarded-up brick buildings.

35.   The United States also reopened its embassy Monday, and several other countries, including the United Kingdom and Italy, have restaffed embassies.

36.   The United States announced it is planning to quickly reopen its embassy in Belgrade and re-establish formal diplomatic relations.

37.   The United States announced Tuesday it plans to quickly reopen its embassy in Belgrade and re-establish formal diplomatic relations.

38.   Greece will be the third European country after Italy and Spain to reopen its embassy in Baghdad since the beginning of the year.

39.   Greece will reopen its embassy in Baghdad next month, an authoritative foreign ministry source said Wednesday.

40.   He said Pakistan was considering reopening its embassy in Kabul, but was unsure when its ambassador would go to the Afghan capital.

v. + embassy >>共 189
close 10.51%
open 7.75%
have 6.90%
move 5.06%
reopen 4.52%
enter 4.45%
leave 3.76%
maintain 2.76%
guard 2.30%
say 2.30%
reopen + n. >>共 345
case 9.49%
talk 8.11%
investigation 5.85%
negotiation 5.37%
road 3.68%
airport 3.12%
debate 2.86%
border 2.64%
embassy 2.56%
wound 2.47%
每页显示:    共 59