31.   Bush spokeswoman Mindy Tucker said Bush is supportive of reimbursing states for incarceration, education and medical treatment of illegal immigrants.

32.   Clinton said FEMA would reimburse the state for most of the cost of emergency operations.

33.   Gabliks said state law requires that anybody who starts a forest fire - whether accidentally or intentionally - has to reimburse the state for the costs.

34.   Gov. John G. Rowland said the money will reimburse the state for the legal and planning costs incurred during negotiations with the football team.

35.   It released a statement saying that Bush believed he was being asked whether the federal government should reimburse state for costs of education funding in general.

36.   Officials said the federal government had agreed to reimburse the state for all costs, including debris removal, emergency protection and repairs to public facilities.

v. + state >>共 967
declare 11.37%
leave 2.63%
sue 2.30%
represent 2.03%
establish 1.60%
impose 1.51%
include 1.42%
visit 1.35%
say 1.26%
win 1.10%
reimburse 0.53%
reimburse + n. >>共 169
state 6.07%
company 5.56%
government 5.40%
cost 4.72%
hospital 4.38%
customer 3.20%
money 2.70%
city 2.70%
country 2.36%
owner 2.19%
每页显示:    共 36