31.   But they are more orthodox than other reformed communists who have made comebacks in eastern Europe.

32.   Campaigning for a runoff presidential election in Poland began in earnest Monday as a reformed communist emerged as the clear winner in the first round against President Lech Walesa.

33.   The opposition Social Democrat, Greens and reformed communists of eastern Germany have pledged legislative trench warfare to the last against measures seen as deeply unfair to ordinary people.

34.   Like Oleksy, he is also a reformed communist.

35.   Oleksy, a reformed communist, was accused by outgoing President Lech Walesa on Tuesday of unspecified activities prejudicial to state security.

36.   Playing on widespread fears in Berlin and Brandenburg are the heirs to the last masters of communist East Germany, the reformed communists of the Party of Democratic Socialism.

37.   The chancellor also used his speech to warn the Social Democrats against considering an election alliance with the PDS, the reformed communists of former East Germany.

38.   The fifth big party is the United List, a leftwing group formed by the reformed communists.

39.   The fifth big party is the United List, a leftist group formed by the reformed communists.

a. + communist >>共 148
former 50.94%
east_german 5.27%
reformed 4.57%
chinese 2.46%
ruling 1.64%
russian 1.52%
indian 1.52%
hardline 1.41%
radical 0.94%
suspected 0.94%
reformed + n. >>共 119
communist 16.60%
church 3.40%
party 3.40%
economy 2.55%
alcoholic 2.55%
system 2.55%
minister 2.13%
welfare 2.13%
car 1.70%
rule 1.70%
每页显示:    共 39