31.   Zhu said the announcement on citrus imports was particularly dear to him because of pressure he has received over the years from Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

32.   A Microsoft executive said the move was unrelated to the criticism Intel has received over its handling of the Pentium flaw, which can goof up complex division problems.

33.   Also, student leaders still had too much say over which organizations received money, he wrote.

34.   Animal rights groups have fumed at the museum and the publicity it has received over the exhibit.

35.   An opinion poll Sunday showed such a party would receive over half the votes in French-speaking southern Belgium, where the crimes occurred.

36.   Foreign Minister Abel Matutes said Spain will receive over the weekend several hundred Albanian Kosovars from Skopje, the capital of Macedonia.

37.   No rain was received over night.

38.   Robert Croft then smashed the first ball he received over mid-wicket for four, leaving England needing just two runs from the final two balls.

39.   Stohr also ordered Berry to turn over all of his financial records showing the royalties he has received over the years.

40.   That is above any distributions the investors received over the life of the partnership.

v. + over >>共 975
take 6.05%
hand 4.63%
divide 2.08%
fight 1.81%
look 1.71%
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disagree 0.91%
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resign 0.80%
receive 0.12%
receive + p. >>共 82
in 31.05%
for 12.23%
at 10.35%
on 9.00%
as 4.94%
with 4.16%
during 3.98%
after 2.09%
by 2.03%
about 1.91%
over 1.56%
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