31.   In Moscow, Security Council secretary Ivan Rybkin said some Russian officials are reluctant to implement the recent peace treaty between the Kremlin and the rebel republic.

32.   In return, Chernomyrdin guaranteed the Chechens safe passage to Chechnya, and called for a halt to military operations in the rebel republic and resumption of peace talks.

33.   In return, Chernomyrdin guaranteed the Chechens safe passage to Chechnya, and ordered a halt to military operations in the rebel republic and resumption of peace talks.

34.   In the rebel republic, a fragile truce appears to be holding.

35.   In the rebel republic, authorities ordered schools closed and residents of the capital, Grozny, frantically built fortifications amid rumors of an imminent assault by Russian troops.

36.   In the rebel republic, meanwhile, a fragile truce appeared to be holding.

37.   It was one of the bloodiest attacks recently in the rebel republic, and one of several attacks on outdoor markets in and near Chechnya in recent months.

38.   It was apparently one of the bloodiest attacks recently in the rebel republic, in which Russian troops have been fighting rebels for nearly two years.

39.   Meanwhile, Russian forces continued to pull out of the rebel republic, with several more units leaving Monday, military reports from Chechnya said.

40.   Moscow has said that one of the reasons behind its current campaign to retake Chechnya is to stop the kidnappings and restore order to the rebel republic.

n. + republic >>共 50
rebel 30.90%
secessionist 21.91%
island 17.13%
north 5.90%
ex-yugoslav 4.21%
mountain 2.25%
wartorn 1.12%
minority 0.84%
former-soviet 0.84%
year 0.84%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
republic 0.57%
每页显示:    共 109