31.   Beyond that, many advocates of a health care overhaul believe, the silence could jeopardize efforts to reach consensus on any health care compromise.

32.   A failure to reach consensus would mean that assessments would be frozen for three years until the next review.

33.   A potential crew member will be certified for flight after a committee reviews the application and reaches a consensus on that person, he said.

34.   A vote is not taken, but a consensus is reached that Donnan will be terminated as football coach.

35.   Above all, the panel members struggled at every stage to reach consensus.

36.   After the usual last-minute, overnight negotiations, consensus was reached on the illegal immigration issue, but it was a modest advance.

37.   After they reached a consensus the driver backed up to another hill.

38.   Again and again, members tried to reach consensus on how to cover everybody without antagonizing the small-business lobby.

39.   But age researchers are far from reaching consensus.

40.   But all the members of the board of directors reached a consensus on what we should do.

v. + consensus >>共 145
reach 40.48%
build 8.55%
find 5.47%
seek 4.76%
forge 4.14%
achieve 3.88%
block 2.03%
get 1.50%
develop 1.41%
require 1.41%
reach + n. >>共 697
agreement 21.92%
settlement 3.30%
decision 2.83%
compromise 2.54%
final 2.45%
level 2.12%
accord 2.02%
conclusion 1.95%
point 1.79%
consensus 1.65%
每页显示:    共 456