31.   China will conduct a nuclear test soon, a Chinese diplomat here was quoted by the Kyodo news agency as saying Thursday.

32.   Court hearings in the case were scheduled for Tuesday, but ITAR-TASS quoted diplomats as saying the Boston prosecutor had postponed them indefinitely.

33.   The Russian diplomat was quoted as saying that the visit would be to plan an expected meeting of the five-nation contact group this month in Moscow.

34.   The radio, quoting Israeli diplomats in Washington, said Christopher would put forward his idea during a shuttle trip this week between Damascus and Jerusalem.

35.   The two sides had not yet completely agreed to all the points, the Times quoted the diplomat as saying.

36.   The radio, quoting Israeli diplomats in Ethiopia, said the envoy was hit in the legs by stray bullets.

37.   The Yomiuri quoted the diplomats as saying that Carter was believed to have shown the US proposal to North Korean President Kim Il-Sung on Thursday in Pyongyang.

38.   The Yediot quoted diplomats who have served in Egypt as complaining about the cool relations they had with their Egyptian counterparts and others.

39.   It quoted diplomats as saying Lithuania expects no major problems in the talks and foresees becoming an associate member of the EU before the European summer.

40.   One of the unresolved issue concerns the definitition of the circumstances in which either side would be permitted to renounce the agreement, the diplomats were quoted as saying.

v. + diplomat >>共 260
say 21.47%
expel 5.75%
include 4.09%
quote 3.12%
kill 2.91%
send 2.15%
identify 2.08%
recall 1.94%
name 1.87%
shoot 1.66%
quote + n. >>共 566
source 21.38%
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police 5.47%
witness 5.30%
spokesman 2.79%
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