31.   In effect, a publisher had a monopoly on a book within a certain territory.

32.   In the competitive CD market, a publisher only has a few months to establish a new title as a success.

33.   In short, when one publisher has a book that sells well, other publishers hurry like sheep to follow.

34.   Internet publishers have an affirmative defense if they require some type of age verification before permitting access to users.

35.   It remained unclear late Thursday whether publishers would have to eat the additional costs of making the revisions or whether they could charge the state more.

36.   Last year, the publishers had the benefit of weak demand from Asian customers, a situation that left the newsprint makers with little leverage.

37.   Many school districts are already reviewing which first-grade reading materials they will buy next year, although the publishers will have to change the materials.

38.   Most software publishers have their own programmers, writers, artists, musicians, producers and sound stages.

39.   Novels generally cost consumers less, too, because publishers often have to pay heftier advances to nonfiction writers who require money for extensive research.

40.   Not if her publisher has its way.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
publisher 0.04%
publisher + v. >>共 504
be 10.34%
say 8.91%
have 4.56%
want 2.09%
make 1.59%
offer 1.37%
do 1.21%
try 1.15%
hope 0.99%
agree 0.93%
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