31.   Fire trucks and more police were sent to Phnom Penh University, where protesters burned tires in a small demonstration Wednesday.

32.   In a May Day demonstration in the Gaza Strip, protesters burned an Israeli flag and an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

33.   In a reminder of the uprising, protesters in Ramallah burned tires and Israeli riot police fired rubber bullets to disperse a crowd north of Jerusalem.

34.   In Bethlehem, protesters burned U.S. and Israeli flags Wednesday before Palestinian police broke up the demonstration.

35.   In downtown Dhaka, some protesters burned a police van after the security forces left it unprotected to chased stone-throwing activists, witnesses said.

36.   In at least five other Indonesian cities, protesters burned car tires, U.S. flags and effigies of President Bush.

37.   In Nablus, protesters burned Israeli and American flags, a wood and Styrofoam Israeli tank, and an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

38.   In some places, protesters burned American flags and straw effigies of U.S. President George W. Bush.

39.   In Taipei, leftist protesters burned American flags and a model of an aircraft carrier Monday to protest U.S. involvement in the tensions.

40.   In Taipei, leftist protesters burned American flags and a model of an aircraft carrier to protest U.S. involvement in the tensions.

n. + burn >>共 691
fire 13.08%
protester 4.97%
demonstrator 4.05%
house 2.73%
mob 2.47%
candle 2.17%
flame 1.69%
youth 1.66%
rioter 1.58%
student 1.51%
protester + v. >>共 728
say 5.61%
be 5.08%
throw 3.00%
demand 2.87%
march 2.33%
burn 2.23%
try 2.04%
block 1.75%
call 1.55%
gather 1.48%
每页显示:    共 134