31.   The law does not prohibit states from disclosing information on car accidents and driving violations.

32.   The law includes a provision prohibiting states from adding requirements on top of those mandated by the FDA during the approval process.

33.   The law prohibited states from adding their own requirements on top of those mandated by the FDA during the approval process.

34.   The initiative would both ban same-sex marriage in California and prohibit the state from recognizing gay marriages performed legally in other states.

35.   The platform condemns a recent Supreme Court decision prohibiting states from banning what critics call partial birth abortions.

36.   The Senate will take up a bill later this week that would prohibit states from imposing new taxes on the Internet.

37.   The state is prohibited from using tax revenue for political purposes, but Connolly said the real intent is to discourage smoking, not influence politicians.

38.   The state argues that the federal law does not specifically prohibit states from passing an even tougher one.

39.   To its credit, the Mitchell bill rejected most such provisions and would prohibit states from passing them.

40.   Californians last week approved a ballot measure that prohibits the state from recognizing such marriages legally performed in another state.

v. + state >>共 967
declare 11.37%
leave 2.63%
sue 2.30%
represent 2.03%
establish 1.60%
impose 1.51%
include 1.42%
visit 1.35%
say 1.26%
win 1.10%
prohibit 0.68%
prohibit + n. >>共 1034
use 5.14%
discrimination 3.50%
company 3.16%
sale 2.66%
official 1.66%
member 1.43%
employee 1.18%
government 1.18%
state 1.05%
people 1.02%
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