31.   The Energy Ministry has suspended several projects, and efforts to privatize state industries have shifted into high gear.

32.   The government official in charge of privatizing state industries has been appointed industry and trade minister, the MTI news agency said Friday.

33.   The state unions plan to march Wednesday in Bogota to urge an end to plans to privatize state industries.

34.   The two agreed the mine industry must be privatized quickly.

35.   Those promises included steps to cut government credits to failing enterprises, liberalize the economy and privatize state industry.

36.   Under Chernomyrdin, Russia has moved forward on privatizing state industries, stabilizing the ruble and fighting inflation.

37.   While the private sector is growing, the government has been slow to privatize state industry.

38.   GCC governments have not even drawn up an action plan to identify which companies and industries should be privatized.

39.   He said the authorities planned to partially privatize the industry to raise capital for its further development.

40.   Hyperinflation that once ravaged the region has been controlled, public spending slashed and many state-owned industries privatized or are headed for the auction block.

v. + industry >>共 769
protect 2.88%
regulate 2.53%
deregulate 2.40%
dominate 2.14%
bank 1.90%
hurt 1.77%
help 1.72%
hit 1.66%
sue 1.56%
affect 1.50%
privatize 1.16%
privatize + n. >>共 132
economy 10.56%
company 9.33%
industry 7.75%
enterprise 4.75%
bank 3.87%
part 3.70%
system 2.99%
service 2.82%
airline 2.64%
operation 2.46%
每页显示:    共 44