31.   But the cash keeps pouring in, and prices keep rising.

32.   Corporate America went deeply into debt to buy back stock and obtain shares to issue to employees, confident that share prices would keep rising.

33.   Each time the Dow has racked up another thousand points, there has been no shortage of experts warning that stock prices cannot keep going up like this.

34.   Experts predict cigarette prices will keep climbing and escalating excise taxes will further diminish domestic demand.

35.   For many investors, that price keeps going up.

36.   Giving details on consumer price inflation in December, the Federal Statistics Office said prices rose because heating oil prices kept climbing, while meat and vegetables rose.

37.   Hardware prices keep falling, but PCs are still hard to use compared with a phone or TV.

38.   He argues that consumers and companies will not start spending as long as they believe that prices will keep falling.

39.   He attributed that to companies being forced to keep sales prices low to compete with cheap imports.

40.   He said grape prices could keep rising for the next two or three years, and the company was boosting prices on many of its lines.

n. + keep >>共 1691
company 2.08%
police 2.07%
government 1.88%
people 1.78%
official 1.14%
investor 1.03%
injury 0.89%
team 0.87%
price 0.72%
man 0.64%
price + v. >>共 308
be 18.75%
fall 11.71%
rise 11.21%
close 3.83%
drop 2.35%
go 1.80%
remain 1.74%
continue 1.65%
soar 1.64%
move 1.22%
keep 0.39%
每页显示:    共 117