31.   While the Government now has to cut spending, this will not affect poverty alleviation, health and education programmes.

32.   Ironically, good governance is one of the key strategies of the government to achieve the objective of poverty alleviation.

33.   Bhargava said an area of concern was that most of the money for poverty alleviation would come from state-owned banks.

34.   But a combination of political agreements, poverty alleviation for fishermen and farmers, and local support have helped.

35.   The statement was issued as ESCAP member countries met for week-long talks focusing on poverty alleviation, transport and communications.

36.   Tom Tsui, a World Bank official handling China, said poverty alleviation was built into the loan project.

37.   This was a sign that the administration and opposition could work together on issues of common concern, such as poverty alleviation, she said.

38.   Local development ministry secretary Uday Raj Soti said the meeting would focus on poverty alleviation, gender equity, sustainable development and infrastructure development.

39.   Randt also visited Tibetan religious sites and met with NGO officials involved in environmental protection, economic development and poverty alleviation there.

40.   She said Sweden would end its support to the Mozambican ministry of agriculture and fisheries at central level, while concentrating on poverty alleviation, decentralisation and rural areas.

n. + alleviation >>共 3
poverty 95.56%
guilt 2.22%
hunger 2.22%
poverty + n. >>共 109
rate 18.91%
reduction 10.51%
summit 8.06%
alleviation 7.53%
program 6.83%
eradication 4.38%
programme 2.28%
problem 2.28%
relief 2.10%
issue 1.75%
每页显示:    共 43