31.   The Pentagon alerts U.S. forces to prepare for possible deployment in response to Iraqi attacks on Kurds.

32.   The possible deployment of an international monitoring force is expected to be discussed.

33.   The visits come at a time of a continuing U.S. military buildup in the Gulf region but Rubin said the consultations will not involve discussions of possible military deployments.

34.   The team is a part of reconnaissance operations that NATO is conducting to prepare for the possible deployment of Alliance troops if a peace agreement for Bosnia is signed.

35.   The U.N. observers would verify the separation and redeployment of opposing troops and lay the groundwork for possible deployment of a much larger U.N. peacekeeping force.

36.   Twenty-five Air Force and Navy planes were singled out Wednesday for possible deployment, the unidentified official said.

37.   Tzochatzopoulos contended that the possible deployment of the missiles in Greece was nothing for Turkey and Turkish Cypriots to worry about.

38.   Fivaz said his discussions with Mbeki centered on the general security situation in the province and the possible deployment of further troops and police in the province.

39.   France has proposed a peace plan for Lebanon that includes a ceasefire and possible deployment of an international force, diplomatic sources said here on Wednesday.

40.   France is also proposing a possible deployment of an international force, to act on the ground as the guarantors, unlike the US plan.

a. + deployment >>共 272
military 9.04%
rapid 8.87%
possible 4.14%
full 3.38%
first 2.62%
new 2.36%
overseas 2.20%
american 1.60%
russian 1.60%
planned 1.60%
possible + n. >>共 1138
attack 2.33%
candidate 1.63%
link 1.14%
cause 1.13%
action 1.02%
motive 1.02%
successor 0.96%
solution 0.92%
way 0.81%
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deployment 0.16%
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