31.   He was seized by police while in transit in Frankfurt, Germany, and sent back to Singapore for trial.

32.   In addition, German police seized small shipments of plutonium last summer, heightening fears about a hemorrhage of nuclear material from the former Soviet Union.

33.   In addition, the police Tuesday seized suspect medication in a van driven by officials of the French Bigmat team.

34.   In February, the mayor announced that the police would seize the cars of people arrested on charges of driving while drunk.

35.   In addition to overruling Miranda, Rothwax writes that the exclusionary rule, which says that evidence improperly seized by police must be dismissed, should be gutted.

36.   In fact, the police can seize property without even arresting anyone.

37.   In raids earlier Tuesday, police seized large caches of explosives in Moscow and the southern city of Ryazan.

38.   In the earlier raid on the training center, police seized materials that they said could be used to make firebombs.

39.   It was then that the Iraqi police seized them.

40.   Just before the mission arrived, Chinese Protestant clergymen were seized by police.

n. + seize >>共 516
police 18.52%
rebel 7.04%
authority 5.20%
troop 5.04%
force 4.22%
government 2.98%
agent 2.90%
officer 2.71%
official 2.27%
soldier 1.89%
police + v. >>共 510
say 30.33%
arrest 4.21%
be 3.14%
find 1.94%
investigate 1.72%
have 1.69%
fire 1.56%
believe 1.43%
detain 1.33%
use 1.17%
seize 0.72%
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