31.   A prison uprising sparked by a frustrated escape attempt that left five people dead has ended without further casualties, officials said.

32.   A highway bombing and an attack at a fake police roadblock left three people dead and two injured, a newspaper reported Sunday.

33.   A shootout along the border of two restive southern Russian republics left four people dead and one wounded, a news agency reported Sunday.

34.   A military raid in a troubled Indonesian province on Sunday set off rioting that left six people dead, including an army officer.

35.   A shootout early Friday between rivaling drug gangs in a Rio de Janeiro slum left six people dead and two injured, police said.

36.   A Thai air force helicopter crashed into a reservoir in northeast Thailand Thursday, leaving four people dead and three missing, an air force spokeswoman said.

37.   A powerful explosion at an ammunition depot outside the presidential palace caused extensive damage but aid workers Friday could only confirm two people dead.

38.   A riot by inmates at a state prison left two people dead and at least eight seriously injured on Monday, Jalisco state officials said.

39.   A vendetta between rival Palestinian families erupted in a hospital gunfight Thursday, leaving left four people dead.

40.   A TV station reported two people dead in Peru.

n. + dead >>共 187
people 26.16%
war 6.68%
two 5.89%
three 5.10%
brain 4.76%
man 3.51%
four 2.94%
soldier 2.49%
five 2.15%
civilian 1.59%
people + n. >>共 769
close 14.57%
dead 8.46%
hostage 3.07%
skill 2.16%
smuggler 1.72%
familiar 1.46%
say 1.39%
talk 1.28%
access 1.28%
do 1.13%
每页显示:    共 230