31.   But, Riordan said citizens need to overcome their fear, and to organize themselves to help regain control of the streets.

32.   Carey has presided over the magazine mostly during a strong economy, and The New Yorker has overcome fears that it might sink without the buzz generated by Brown.

33.   David Contreras, aquatics manager at the city pool in Westwood, said he uses relaxation techniques to help adults overcome their fear.

34.   Di Suvero also challenges others, not to scare them but to help them overcome fear.

35.   Durst is onto something that has helped coffee bars persuade risk-averse landlords to overcome their fears.

36.   Employees have to overcome those fears and make their pitch on a personal level, career consultants say.

37.   For English, having employees overcome their fears is the priority, and the right thing to do to keep the business on track.

38.   He helped Smithy overcome his fear of postal mailboxes and buses and to learn to ride in a car without getting sick.

39.   He is afraid, but he tries to overcome his fear.

40.   He once overcame a fear of sharks by taking scuba lessons.

v. + fear >>共 569
raise 12.95%
express 9.54%
have 4.76%
allay 4.38%
ease 3.98%
spark 2.90%
calm 2.23%
voice 2.15%
dismiss 1.81%
fuel 1.79%
overcome 1.79%
overcome + n. >>共 857
problem 10.20%
obstacle 5.84%
difference 3.51%
fear 2.95%
difficulty 2.35%
resistance 2.22%
adversity 2.10%
hurdle 2.10%
opposition 1.96%
loss 1.71%
每页显示:    共 127