31.   In a bow to political reality, the coalition stopped far short of calling for an outright ban on abortion.

32.   Instead, the referendum includes an outright ban on financial incentives that lead doctors to withhold necessary care.

33.   Lawmakers first want to try putting tighter restrictions on the games before considering an outright ban as in South Carolina.

34.   Neighborhood groups, fed up with the clogged traffic and unruly behavior, have called for sterner measures or an outright ban on the event.

35.   No proposal carries the weight of an outright ban on abortion.

36.   Neither the NFL nor its Players Association showed any interest in a comprehensive study of steroids, opting for an outright ban instead.

37.   Nevertheless, most participants opposed imposing an outright ban on sexually explicit online material.

38.   Now Canada is reported to be considering an outright ban to prevent Canadian companies from placing ads in those editions.

39.   One plan would let the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have control of nicotine regulation, though Congress would have to approve an outright ban.

40.   Opponents of recent congressional legislation that attempted to block the distribution of pornography over the Internet have argued that technology that blocks access is preferable to an outright ban.

a. + ban >>共 485
total 8.46%
such 4.36%
global 4.27%
proposed 3.88%
worldwide 3.63%
outright 2.92%
constitutional 2.92%
complete 2.53%
international 2.47%
federal 2.36%
outright + n. >>共 522
independence 7.00%
majority 6.24%
ban 5.64%
victory 4.61%
sale 3.20%
purchase 2.06%
hostility 1.90%
fraud 1.79%
winner 1.74%
lie 1.47%
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