31.   Opponents see that as the end of Irish neutrality, a policy doggedly pursued during World War II despite intense pressure from the United States and Britain.

32.   But opponents of earmarking sees only politics.

33.   Domestic opponents see Haider as a dangerous right-winger whose language, xenophobia and appeals to law and order have right-wing overtones that appeal to neo-Nazis.

34.   Lee had promised to pick a new premier, and when he fell back on Lien, opponents saw it as a move to dodge a reconfirmation vote.

35.   Many opponents saw in Rousseau-Francois a symbol of that commitment to respect differing views.

36.   Opponents see that as a dangerous move to wrench away presidential authority over the military and foreign policy.

37.   Opponents see the law as appeasing National Front supporters.

38.   Whaling opponents see that as progress in the wrong direction.

39.   He said that if the VHP softened its stand on the construction of the temple, their opponents would see it as a victory for themselves.

40.   In Belarus, opponents see the charter as a sell-out of their independence by Lukashenko.

n. + see >>共 1179
people 4.87%
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analyst 2.53%
investor 2.20%
official 1.80%
reporter 1.70%
fan 1.40%
witness 1.35%
viewer 1.13%
year 1.11%
opponent 0.22%
opponent + v. >>共 759
say 21.95%
be 12.18%
argue 4.74%
have 2.39%
accuse 1.94%
call 1.53%
claim 1.48%
contend 1.42%
fear 1.27%
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see 0.64%
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