31.   Japanese officials have protested the plan, noting that tens of thousands of non-military Japanese were killed in the bombings.

32.   Japanese officials have protested the plan to issue the stamp.

33.   Local officials protested they were not informed until an hour after the leak occurred.

34.   Local officials also protested that they were not informed of the accident until an hour after it occurred.

35.   More recently, Cuban sports officials protested a delay in getting U.S. permission to fly their Olympians directly to Atlanta.

36.   NATO brought its firepower closer to Milosevic, destroying one of his Belgrade homes in an attack that Yugoslav officials protested was an attempt to kill their leader.

37.   Numerous players, coaches and league officials had protested beforehand the Bundesliga decision to play.

38.   On Sunday, Bulgarian officials protested the refusal by Macedonia to allow several Bulgarian journalists to cover the second round of voting.

39.   Officials protested Tuesday against the continued detention of a Bulgarian minority leader in Yugoslavia.

40.   Palestinian officials protested and warned of possible violence.

n. + protest >>共 486
group 7.81%
student 4.94%
worker 4.29%
government 4.25%
demonstrator 3.95%
official 2.53%
thousand 2.53%
people 2.45%
activist 2.19%
leader 1.80%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
protest 0.03%
每页显示:    共 59