31.   But the officials concluded that the negotiations would have their best chance of success under United States auspices and that the presidents had to take part.

32.   But then American officials concluded that they might be able to persuade Hazarat Ali, a U.S.-backed Afghan commander, to take on the job.

33.   But the newly-released suspects said they never lost faith that U.S. officials would conclude that their actions were legal.

34.   But ultimately, Gifford said, center officials concluded that there was a market for abstinence education in their state, particularly in rural areas.

35.   But, at CARE, officials have concluded that food alone is not enough.

36.   Canadian officials concluded that their top domestic manufacturers, affiliated with U.S. and British tobacco companies, were aware of and benefited from the illegal activity.

37.   Cell members were then given false passports and traveled individually along a circuitous route from Afghanistan, to Yemen, Syria and then Jordan, officials have concluded.

38.   Campaign officials have concluded that they have no choice but to run advertisements attacking Al Gore.

39.   City officials concluded that each suggestion was either too costly or hardly failsafe, and they decided that the money could be better spent on mental health services.

40.   Clinton administration officials have concluded that it would be extremely unlikely that UN inspectors could continue working in Iraq after a military strike.

n. + conclude >>共 613
report 7.70%
study 5.83%
investigator 4.08%
official 3.13%
investigation 2.92%
researcher 2.51%
commission 2.08%
expert 2.03%
court 1.92%
panel 1.84%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
conclude 0.07%
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