31.   Scattered showers were noted ... Especially across the southern coastal waters.

32.   Scattered showers were noted across the northern coastal waters of Puerto Rico but little or no rainfall occurred over land.

33.   Scattered showers were noted ... Especially across the east half of Puerto Rico ... Over the U.S Virgin Islands and across northern coastal waters.

34.   Scattered showers were noted mainly over the eastern third of Puerto Rico and across the adjacent coastal waters.

35.   Scattered showers were noted over northern and eastern sections of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands around daybreak.

36.   Scattered showers were noted over the southwest and west sections of Puerto Rico with heavy rain reported in the municipalities of Penuelas and Juana Diaz.

37.   Scattered showers were noted, especially across the northern coastal waters.

38.   Scattered showers were noted ... Mainly along north and east coastal sections of Puerto Rico and across the coastal waters.

39.   Scattered showers were noted mainly along and just off the north and south coasts of Puerto Rico as well as over parts of interior Puerto Rico.

40.   Scattered showers were noted, mainly over the southwest quarter of Puerto Rico Where brief heavy rain occurred in the municipalities of Hormigueros and Cabo Rojo.

v. + shower >>共 156
scattered 14.90%
take 13.17%
expect 9.41%
bring 5.60%
detect 4.93%
forecast 3.59%
produce 3.53%
note 3.53%
have 3.47%
observe 3.42%
note + n. >>共 868
shower 2.95%
difference 2.20%
change 1.97%
improvement 1.50%
increase 1.50%
progress 1.45%
problem 1.31%
absence 1.22%
concern 1.17%
report 1.17%
每页显示:    共 63