31.   If there is to be a pull-up from a nose dive, a strategy must be developed and followed.

32.   In cornering and sudden braking, the suspension held the car solid at all corners with virtually no sense of body roll and no nose dives.

33.   In brief, the once-bright academic career of the teacher named John takes a nose dive after the student, Carol, accuses him of sexual harassment.

34.   In these winter months, when other fresh herbs have soared in price and taken a nose dive in quality, try making parsley the herb of choice.

35.   Is your brain slowing down, your memory failing, your resistance to infection taking a nose dive?

36.   It also took a pretty good nose dive when brought to a sudden stop from high speed.

37.   Later that day, the safety board finally revealed that the radar did indicate a nose dive.

38.   Led by a nose dive in Internet and technology shares, the US stock market fell sharply Monday, a week after hitting record highs.

39.   Most economists doubt the central bank will stop at one quarter-point increase, unless the GDP takes a nose dive in the months ahead.

40.   More recently, she has come under fire, after Pearson issued two profit warnings last autumn and the stock took a nose dive.

n. + dive >>共 77
nose 36.49%
scuba 14.41%
night 3.15%
one-day 1.80%
plane 1.80%
certification 1.35%
one-yard 1.35%
neighborhood 1.35%
cannonball 1.35%
practice 1.35%
nose + n. >>共 98
tackle 19.56%
dive 13.78%
guard 13.61%
ring 12.59%
surgery 4.42%
bleed 3.40%
hair 2.72%
operation 2.38%
drop 2.04%
gear 1.70%
每页显示:    共 80