31.   On Wednesday Luna again vetoed the moves and Mancini missed training Thursday as he headed to meet Cecchi Gori, presumably to resign.

32.   Sale goalkicker Hodgson, the first-choice deputy to Jonny Wilkinson, missed training Wednesday after suffering a recurrence of a recent ankle injury.

v. + training >>共 328
receive 12.04%
provide 7.26%
have 6.76%
undergo 4.81%
begin 3.82%
resume 3.82%
get 2.79%
need 2.56%
start 2.37%
complete 2.29%
miss 1.22%
miss + n. >>共 724
game 13.04%
cut 3.99%
chance 3.67%
point 3.52%
opportunity 3.06%
practice 2.37%
target 2.36%
shot 2.33%
playoff 2.17%
deadline 1.64%
training 0.24%
每页显示:    共 32