31.   Minute amounts of water cool the combustion process, thus inhibiting knock, and the resulting steamadds slightly to the power stroke.

32.   Neufer helped develop a technique that allowed him to use minute amounts of muscle tissue biopsied from the legs of cyclists shortly after they exercised.

33.   One night, I completely fell apart when my mother added a minute amount of oil to my dinner vegetables.

34.   One said there were minute amounts of sodium and manganese in the Libby fibers, making them technically richterite.

35.   One test involved a technique known as polymerase chain reaction that can identify an organism even when it is present in minute amounts.

36.   One example is a biosensor that can detect the minute amounts of recombinant DNA which are used to make drugs.

37.   Plutonium is a highly toxic substance that can cause cancer if inhaled or ingested in even minute amounts.

38.   Researchers at Stanford report in the journal Science that they have used nanotubes to detect minute amounts of gases quickly and at room temperature.

39.   Seventy-one patients at Hermann received minute amounts of rapamycin in addition to the conventional cyclosporine treatment.

40.   So a dog that goes out on a foggy or misty evening may reactivate minute amounts of skunk spray residue that got missed in the washing.

a. + amount >>共 395
large 12.02%
small 10.95%
huge 4.43%
same 4.43%
undisclosed 3.21%
significant 2.22%
vast 2.10%
enormous 1.96%
limited 1.93%
fair 1.89%
minute 0.37%
minute + n. >>共 258
detail 11.84%
amount 8.88%
lead 4.77%
particle 3.45%
trace 2.80%
mark 2.47%
quantity 1.97%
penalty 1.97%
goal 1.97%
change 1.81%
每页显示:    共 54