31.   He was convicted of one drug charge and a number of minor offenses and has spent time in jail on several occasions, they said.

32.   Hundreds of longtime legal residents with minor offenses have been abruptly wrenched from their families and sent back to their birth countries.

33.   However, Locke said that in the end he decided not to pursue the charge because it was such a minor offense, a misdmeanor.

34.   Hundreds of other children were put in that jail every year, mostly for minor offenses like truancy.

35.   If you really want deterrence, make people face the music for minor offenses.

36.   Ideally, the best way to prevent crime is to make sure even the most minor offense has consequences which leave an impression.

37.   In addition, a growing number of those guilty of misdemeanors and relatively minor offenses are being released from county jails to make room for accused felons awaiting trial.

38.   Inoue was arrested only for obstructing police officers, in line with the police practice until Tuesday of arresting Aum officials for minor offenses.

39.   It is true that the police appear to be arresting sect members for an unusual array of minor offenses.

40.   Judges should be permitted to expunge the record of upstanding resident immigrants who committed minor offenses years ago and have already paid their debts to society, Bergeron said.

a. + offense >>共 804
criminal 6.17%
impeachable 3.62%
minor 3.37%
new 3.37%
serious 2.88%
first 2.40%
same 2.30%
second 2.00%
total 1.77%
alleged 1.62%
minor + n. >>共 627
injury 19.55%
damage 5.32%
leaguer 3.37%
change 1.90%
problem 1.87%
party 1.56%
cut 1.55%
surgery 1.53%
role 1.47%
offense 1.29%
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