31.   President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah has offered the rebels four ministerial posts and four deputies.

32.   Party officials said Rafidah is expected to continue in her ministerial post.

33.   Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin appointed Mikhailov to the two ministerial posts, the ITAR-Tass news agency said.

34.   A Conservative lawmaker was promoted to a ministerial post after he had admitted accepting cash to represent private interests in Parliament, The Guardian newspaper reported Friday.

35.   A veteran opponent of deposed Zairian dictator Mobutu Sese Seko announced Monday she was accepting a ministerial post in the new government, despite opposition by her party leader.

36.   After six hours of talks with his coalition partners, Racan told reporters the five had reached a compromise on the ministerial posts.

37.   Annan hinted Monday that the hostage crisis could cost RUF leader Foday Sankoh the ministerial post he was given as part of the peace agreement made last July.

38.   Both parties were asking for two ministerial posts as well as a deputy premiership each.

39.   But hesitant to risk damaging his power base by alienating some of the more powerful but unpopular ministers, Chavalit favors a reshuffle affecting primarily deputy ministerial posts.

40.   But Hamilton when he quit his ministerial post insisted he had done nothing wrong and said he planned to sue the The Guardian which broke the initial story.

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