31.   He added that while he approved of the military strategy outlined by the Pentagon, it could not be accomplished with the troop reductions recommended in the report.

32.   He believes that both Russia and the United States are pursuing outdated military strategies.

33.   He learned military strategy from West Point manuals, at secret Indian training camps, and from Clint Eastwood videos.

34.   His models include Frederick the Great and Helmuth von Moltke, both Prussians known for their brilliant military strategies.

35.   I find it embarrassing when reporters shout questions to the president or his cabinet members or military spokesmen asking about advance military strategy.

36.   I have no doubt, for now, that the Bush team has a military strategy for winning a long war.

37.   In an interview with Richard Danzig, a former secretary of the Navy, about the bioterrorism threat, we came to an arcane point of military strategy.

38.   In all conflicts, winning the information war has been an essential element of military strategy.

39.   In military strategy patois, the GOP has no exit strategy.

40.   Israel cannot expect to halt the terror wrought by militants through its current military strategy.

a. + strategy >>共 1379
new 8.71%
marketing 4.26%
different 2.17%
long-term 2.10%
military 1.92%
such 1.88%
same 1.84%
political 1.78%
similar 1.42%
best 1.29%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
strategy 0.17%
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