31.   Israeli military sources said Hamas was planning an attack during the closing ceremony of the Maccabiah Games,

32.   Israeli Radio, citing military sources, said a squad of Palestinians were ambushed by soldiers who believed they were laying a bomb.

33.   Israeli military sources, according to television reports, said there was no imminent attack planned and they insist they do not plan to harm or arrest Arafat.

34.   Krstic would have been well-suited for the job, Bosnian Serb military sources said.

35.   Many news accounts casting Dipendra as the villain have depended on confidential military sources.

36.   Many of the news accounts that have cast Dipendra as the villain have depended on confidential military sources.

37.   Meanwhile, military sources said Pakistan has repositioned some of its forces from its volatile border with arch-rival India to its Afghan border.

38.   Military sources say the weaponry comes in through Croatia, and is bought overseas on the black market with a generous supply of money from Islamic world.

39.   Military sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, contradicted this official explanation.

a. + source >>共 506
military 8.28%
diplomatic 6.34%
official 3.28%
palestinian 3.01%
informed 2.84%
major 2.75%
unidentified 2.45%
judicial 2.12%
main 2.11%
israeli 1.97%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
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