31.   It would also encourage use of methane gas from garbage landfills to generate electricity.

32.   Landfills continue to settle and release methane gas for years after they are closed, making them a potentially unstable site for caskets.

33.   Methane gas is the culprit.

34.   Methane gas.

35.   Plants may create a bit more pollution under the new rules, but they could prevent much more pollution by recycling mercury bulbs and methane gas.

36.   Scientists hope that Huygens will pass through wispy clouds of methane gas on its way down.

37.   Since the vote, attention to the search for methane gas has intensified.

38.   So much methane gas is wafting up through vents in the ground that golfers are in danger of blowing themselves up.

39.   The atmosphere of methane gas and suspended hydrocarbon particles scatters visible light and makes Titan appear to be a fuzzy orange ball under normal observation.

40.   The cave-in apparently released methane gas.

n. + gas >>共 187
greenhouse 37.57%
methane 7.98%
petroleum 4.38%
hydrogen 3.60%
chlorine 3.25%
sarin 2.68%
exhaust 2.33%
propane 2.33%
cyanide 2.05%
nitrogen 1.69%
methane + n. >>共 48
gas 49.78%
explosion 9.25%
emission 2.64%
fire 2.64%
hydrate 2.64%
level 2.64%
production 2.64%
concentration 2.20%
blast 1.76%
ice 1.76%
每页显示:    共 112