31.   All three measures passed Congress with some Democratic support, only to be vetoed by Clinton.

32.   Ali Cleveland, manager of labor policy for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, also expressed confidence the measure would pass the Senate.

33.   Brown also was asked what she would do if she is elected and the measure passes.

34.   Both measures passed.

35.   But a similar measure has passed in the Senate before, and would probably do so again this year.

36.   But after the measure passed on Thursday, many of the same people wore satisfied smiles.

37.   But experts still believe that the measure will pass.

38.   But Congress is expected to reinstate the tax whenever a budget measure finally passes.

39.   But Democrats expect the measure to pass this year.

40.   But House Republican leaders, who backed the deal with China but oppose the Cuba provision, canceled the vote out of fear the measure would pass.

n. + pass >>共 1728
bill 5.66%
time 4.40%
parliament 3.92%
deadline 3.07%
measure 2.63%
year 2.19%
state 2.00%
day 1.90%
government 1.70%
legislation 1.39%
measure + v. >>共 748
be 22.45%
include 6.45%
have 3.10%
pass 3.09%
go 2.58%
require 2.05%
allow 1.63%
fail 1.59%
make 1.57%
come 1.48%
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