31.   At Jarnac, in the heart of the Cognac region, Mitterrand is to be buried in the family vault where his parents and maternal grandparents rest.

32.   There, in the heart of the Cognac region where he was born, he will be buried in the family vault where his parents and maternal grandparents rest.

33.   They are staying with their maternal grandparents.

34.   Then he will be laid to rest in the vault where his parents and maternal grandparents already lie.

35.   With both parents detained, she lives with her maternal grandparents near Tokyo.

36.   Locals reminisced about the time when the young Tony used to spend his summer holidays with his maternal grandparents in Ballyshannon.

37.   Mitterrand will be buried Thursday in the family vault where his parents and maternal grandparents rest in a ceremony to be attended only by his closest friends and family.

38.   The children have been living with their maternal grandparents since the murder of their mother Nicole Brown Simpson, for which the former black football star was acquitted.

a. + grandparent >>共 71
maternal 22.22%
paternal 18.13%
jewish 7.60%
new 2.34%
long-distance 1.75%
would-be 1.75%
scottish 1.75%
indulgent 1.17%
doting 1.17%
enterprising 1.17%
maternal + n. >>共 162
grandmother 11.89%
mortality 9.62%
grandfather 9.25%
grandparent 7.17%
instinct 5.66%
death 5.47%
health 3.02%
love 1.70%
aunt 1.70%
relative 1.70%
每页显示:    共 38