31.   Toshiba seems to be ahead in the standards battle for the consumer market, with several major consumer electronics companies and Hollywood studios endorsing its format.

32.   WebTV Networks developed the technology, then licensed it to two major consumer electronics firms, Philips Magnavox and Sony.

33.   With the very notable exception of major consumer organizations, a wide range of groups supported the law.

34.   At the forum, major consumers such as the United States were adamant that production needs to go up and prices need to come down.

35.   Bosnians are major consumers of Slovenian food products and appliances.

36.   Buying intentions for most other major consumer durable products are down, with the exception of washing machines and personal computers.

37.   China is a major consumer of wild game and endangered animals from around the world.

38.   Domestic steel demand has dropped sharply as major consumers such as builders and manufacturers of cars and electronic goods are seeing sharp sales drops.

39.   Glaxo currently is negotiating with the FDA over whether it can launch a major consumer advertising campaign, including TV ads, for Lotronex.

40.   In March, Sony and Toshiba Corp., another major consumer electronics company, said they will jointly manufacture the next generation of the Sony PlayStation.

a. + consumer >>共 1262
american 5.71%
japanese 3.86%
strong 1.80%
weak 1.78%
new 1.61%
average 1.43%
higher 1.43%
european 1.31%
individual 1.31%
largest 1.13%
major 1.06%
major + n. >>共 1020
currency 3.00%
city 2.43%
problem 1.81%
change 1.52%
issue 1.36%
company 1.34%
role 1.22%
championship 1.15%
player 0.98%
bank 0.94%
consumer 0.09%
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