31.   Officials with the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, in Washington Tuesday to lobby lawmakers on business issues, expressed little concern over the potential shipments.

32.   On Monday participants will lobby their lawmakers and hold a rally on the steps of the Capitol.

33.   Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based Westinghouse is already lobbying lawmakers.

34.   Representatives of AirTouch were lobbying lawmakers to secure the special status for the deal as part of a sweeping tax-cut plan making its way through Congress.

35.   Republican candidate Matt Fong gave money to the Traditional Values Coalition, a conservative religious group that lobbies lawmakers to outlaw abortion and block gay-rights laws.

36.   Saperstein said that in addition to firing up grassroots activists in states, he and the other religious leaders will also lobby lawmakers on the Hill.

37.   The American Kennel Club has fanned the flames of suburban revolt, publishing guidelines that urge owners to lobby lawmakers to finance leashless areas.

38.   The association is lobbying state lawmakers to return more tax revenue to local government to help pay for new services, Jaffe said.

39.   The governor also said his office would lobby state lawmakers for more money if it turns out ComCare needs more funding.

40.   The gun industry is lobbying lawmakers on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures to prevent more lawsuits from being filed.

v. + lawmaker >>共 415
lobby 4.90%
tell 3.34%
say 2.86%
include 2.72%
accuse 2.04%
call 1.50%
ask 1.36%
address 1.29%
criticize 1.23%
anger 1.16%
lobby + n. >>共 166
government 12.37%
member 9.89%
lawmaker 8.48%
official 4.48%
legislator 4.12%
leader 3.53%
campaign 2.36%
state 2.24%
firm 2.00%
group 2.00%
每页显示:    共 72