31.   He said he had lingering doubts about a missile or some other nonmechanical means.

32.   He says that while a strong economic recovery is clearly underway, there were lingering doubts about its staying power.

33.   I blame that lingering doubt on loose ends.

34.   I felt that there was no chance the All-Star Game was not going to be played, but there were some lingering doubts.

35.   If I had any lingering doubts about the dangers of smoking, that article vanquished them.

36.   If anyone had lingering doubts that the best things in life are free and money simply mucks things up, consider the Simmons family of Texas.

37.   In addition, many still have lingering doubts about the wisdom of treating kids with pills scientifically tested mostly on adults.

38.   Investigators have used advanced surveillance techniques and a conga line of informers to dispel any lingering doubt that a secret organization known as the Mafia exists.

39.   Many focus group participants said they thought that going on line had made them more successful investors, though some had lingering doubts.

40.   Nevertheless, some retailers harbor lingering doubts.

a. + doubt >>共 236
reasonable 17.92%
serious 11.28%
lingering 6.70%
nagging 3.45%
new 3.32%
grave 2.99%
growing 2.79%
strong 2.52%
considerable 2.26%
further 2.19%
lingering + n. >>共 527
concern 9.76%
effect 5.45%
question 4.76%
doubt 4.63%
problem 3.25%
fear 2.89%
dispute 2.06%
tension 1.60%
bitterness 1.37%
uncertainty 1.28%
每页显示:    共 100