31.   The lifting of a kettle lid by the steam from boiling water may have led Watt to the discovery of steam power.

32.   The lifting of customs regulations with the establishment of the single European market had left Scotland as the western frontier of Europe, Mr Matheson continued.

33.   ANTI-apartheid supporters around the world were told to prepare for the lifting of international sanctions against South Africa during an African National Congress conference yesterday.

34.   Almost immediately, scallopers called for a lifting of restrictions.

35.   Already, the service has approved some lifting of restrictions on beach use in Massachusetts, a move that will result in the deaths of plover chicks.

36.   Although Croatians deny it publicly, diplomats say Croatia has also opposed the lifting of the embargo on Bosnia.

37.   Although the lifting of the vessel represented the most dangerous phase of the operation, officials cautioned that the project is still not complete.

38.   Among the measures he wants the United States to take, he said, is the lifting of the economic embargo on Cuba.

39.   An American soldier surveyed the harbor at Port-au-Prince, where activity is expected to pick up with the lifting of the embargo.

40.   Among those measures were the lifting of a requirement that life insurers investing abroad reflect currency swings in the value they assign to balance sheets.

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