31.   Oxford Independent high school for girls has scored top marks in the Governments new league table of exam results.

32.   The exam league tables have also been given a black mark by teaching unions.

33.   The exam league table is supposed to help parents make well informed choices for their children.

34.   The pressure to succeed will increase as schools compete on the exam league tables.

35.   He says a league table of electrical stores will be produced when all the results of the survey are collated nationally.

36.   Such questions have been raised in the world of education, where those at the chalkface are fed-up with being assessed and put into league tables.

37.   HOSPITALS are to be ranked in performance league tables in England and Wales from next year, it emerged yesterday.

38.   The move, disclosed by health chiefs, is likely to create controversy after the outcry over school league tables.

39.   But first Martin Dawes from one of the towns that has put Oxfordshire top of the league table for violence in England.

n. + table >>共 525
kitchen 12.09%
picnic 6.89%
defense 6.20%
conference 5.75%
breakfast 3.28%
league 3.10%
card 2.77%
peace 2.35%
medal 1.71%
corner 1.68%
league + n. >>共 598
official 6.95%
leader 6.54%
title 6.35%
game 5.85%
match 5.79%
office 3.54%
champion 3.43%
history 3.41%
rule 2.52%
championship 2.38%
table 1.78%
每页显示:    共 102