31.   When Brown received the coach of the year award before this series began, Smith flew in to lavish praise on his former player.

32.   Whenever the dog finds the towel, it is rewarded with lavish praise and a tug-of-war that the handler deliberately loses.

33.   American Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan also addressed the Tehran rally, heaping lavish praise on the revolution and its leaders and defended the policies of the Islamic republic.

34.   Baghdad newspapers were filled with lavish praise for Saddam and radio and television newscasts led with expressions of support from popular and professional organizations at home and abroad.

35.   European Union chief executive Jacques Delors took some jabs at ideological foes -- Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher -- as he received lavish praise Thursday from fellow leftists.

36.   His players also received lavish praise.

37.   I could see that one customer was very uncomfortable with his lavish praises.

38.   In the meantime, the United States is being careful to lavish praise on Thaci.

39.   In the meantime, the United States is being careful to lavish praise on Thaci for signing the accord.

40.   Mahmoud el-Gohary was showered with lavish praise in good times, and watched stones and bottles rain down on him in bad times.

a. + praise >>共 240
high 18.30%
critical 4.90%
lavish 4.80%
faint 3.70%
special 3.50%
highest 2.40%
widespread 2.30%
international 1.90%
similar 1.90%
glowing 1.80%
lavish + n. >>共 391
party 6.77%
lifestyle 5.71%
gift 4.31%
praise 4.22%
dinner 2.37%
production 2.20%
ceremony 1.76%
home 1.32%
campaign 1.23%
meal 1.14%
每页显示:    共 48