31.   Six villagers near the launch site were killed by falling debris.

32.   Some turned out to be Scud launch sites, others were unexplained explosions.

33.   Sverdrup Corp. of St. Louis is responsible for the construction of the launch site.

34.   The area is noted as a launch site for numerous refugees who fled by boat and raft to Florida.

35.   The cost could grow substantially if the military adds additional interceptors and another launch site.

36.   The crew would then begin its re-entry procedures and glide back to the launch site.

37.   The forecast for the launch site is dead calm, perfect conditions for the crew to inflate the balloon and begin its effort.

38.   The launch site in international waters was picked because it is on the equator.

39.   The weather outlook for the Cape Canaveral launch site will improve slightly Friday, but forecasters said high winds and low cloud cover could still be a problem.

40.   Then they could call the Pentagon collect far enough in advance of a missile attack so we could get the Israeli air force to go bomb the launch site.

n. + site >>共 646
crash 10.42%
construction 7.97%
test 3.03%
weapon 2.80%
storage 2.54%
tourist 2.14%
auction 2.12%
missile 1.44%
accident 1.39%
bomb 1.31%
launch 1.23%
launch + n. >>共 185
site 14.95%
date 12.12%
attempt 3.62%
party 2.94%
service 2.49%
time 2.38%
facility 2.27%
day 2.15%
market 1.81%
delay 1.70%
每页显示:    共 131