31.   It also allows foreign companies to obtain class A construction permits for the construction of large projects, based on previous overseas experiences, the paper said.

32.   Intel representatives are lobbying to include a provision that would allow the state to offset the cost of school tax abatements for large projects, according to Brimer.

33.   It will also oversee mergers and acquisitions and the financing of large projects.

34.   Japanese engineering company Chiyoda Corp. said cost overruns on large projects will cause it to post a record full-year loss in the month to March.

35.   Japan has proposed creating a network within APEC to coordinate corporate financing of large projects such as power plants with multilateral government insurance guarantees.

36.   Large projects in Angola, Azerbaijan and Indonesia, among others, will help the company reach its goal, Desmarest said.

37.   Lucas Engineering provides management and consulting services to the manufacturing industry, while Lucas Management provides software for managing large projects.

38.   Magalhaes also has been unusually adept at winning large industrial projects like the Camacari chemical complex for Bahia, which translates into both jobs and votes.

39.   New construction contracts were led by a rise in the non-building segment as public works and utilities, profiting from several large projects, rebounded from government delays.

40.   Not many Western hotels would commission such a large project from a contemporary artist.

a. + project >>共 754
new 5.60%
joint 3.23%
pilot 3.16%
major 2.99%
special 1.82%
similar 1.69%
building 1.65%
pet 1.64%
next 1.37%
specific 1.36%
large 1.01%
large + n. >>共 1012
number 8.74%
part 3.71%
amount 3.28%
bowl 2.81%
company 2.19%
quantity 1.68%
area 1.55%
group 1.39%
crowd 1.17%
sum 1.10%
project 0.20%
每页显示:    共 106